Whether you attended FinovateEurope last week or were taking it all in via Twitter, there was a lot to glean from the event. With an agenda packed full of demos, panel conversations, fireside chats, and keynote presentations, attendees were able to catch up on the very latest in fintech and banking news and trends. They also had the opportunity to foster old relationships with fintech friends and make new connections.

For a bite-sized way to re-live the memories from FinovateEurope, look no further. We’ve distilled the event into a handful of highlights that help summarize the event via pictures. If you’re looking for a content summary, check out our top three takeaways from earlier this week.

Demetrio Migliorati, Head of Innovation at Banca Mediolanum, during his Keynote Address: Industry Transformation: Tokenisation & Digital Assets

Investor All Stars Panel: Where Is The Smart Money Investing In Fintech? Featuring: Triin Linamagi, Founding Partner at Sie Ventures; Luis Valdich, Managing Director at Fintech Investing at Citi Ventures; Hélène Falchier, Partner at Portage; and Kevin Chong, Co-Head & Partner at Outward VC.

Martin Hyde, EMEA Payment Partnerships Lead at J.P. Morgan Payments, at his Keynote: How Embedded Payments Will Change The Future Of Financial Services.

Prasangi Unantenne, Head of Implementation at Wise Platform, during her session: Landing Your First Bank Customer

Zil Bareisis, Head of Retail Banking at Celent, during his session: Analyst All Stars: How Financial Services Have Been Changed Forever

FinovateEurope 2023 Best of Show winners: 10x Banking, FinTech Insights by Scientia, NayaOne, TAZI AI, and Your Juno.

Book signing with Leda Glyptis, Author of Bankers Like Us.

Women in Fintech Breakfast Briefing featuring panelists Magdalena Kron, Global Head of Rise Digital Innovation & CTO Group Innovation at Barclays Bank (Moderator); Nitzan Solomon, Head of Transaction Monitoring, AML & Fraud at Revolut; Chantal Swainston, Founder of The Heard; Veronique Steiner, Head of High Growth Tech & Head of Technology, Media and Telecom for Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) at J.P. Morgan; Angela Yore, Managing Director at SkyParlour (European Women Payments Network).

You can view the entire photo album on Finovate’s Flickr page.