People-Inspired Innovation: Technology with You In Mind

As new and disruptive technologies blur the lines of competition between traditional banking, big tech, and fintech in an industry that shows no mercy to those slow to embrace change, it’s time to put legacy assumptions on the table. It’s time to modernize technology to disrupt the disruption.

And that starts by putting people first.

Future-ready financial services will be built on a people-centric platform that brings together the best partners to create unique value that the competition simply can’t deliver. For community and regional financial institutions to reclaim the competitive advantage of service and trust, to innovate faster, to differentiate strategically, and to compete successfully, technology needs to have you in mind. After all, technology touches practically every interaction you have with your accountholders.

It’s the heart of your accountholder service, innovation, and efficiency.

People-Inspired Innovation

Community and regional banks and credit unions deserve a technology provider who sees you as humans first – who will take the time to understand your goals, needs, and objectives. Your challenges and frustrations. What you’re trying to do and what you’re trying to achieve.

At Jack Henry™, we call that “people-inspired innovation.”

By putting people as the inspiration of our innovation, we’re working with banks and credit unions to design solutions and strategies that achieve your desired results – whether that’s growing revenue, mitigating risk, balancing IT and regulatory compliance demands, growing your accountholder base, improving the accountholder experience, or addressing any other business challenge. With the philosophy of people-inspired innovation, we identify strategic opportunities to achieve these organizational goals, help advocate for change, and co-create innovative solutions – moving financial institutions forward incrementally or evolutionarily, based on individual needs.

We apply this people-centric design to our technology modernization efforts.

Identifying, building, and delivering on new strategies for growth requires a trusted partnership – a partner who delivers modernized technology that optimizes openness, agility, speed, and optionality.

Jack Henry is pioneering future-ready financial services by building an ecosystem of next-generation, full-stack solutions that support open integration and a real-time data strategy. We’re keeping people at the center of our modernization efforts and are dedicated to putting community and regional financial institutions back on top. Our next-generation technology stack is a completely component-based, open, digitally centric, cloud-native platform.

We’re also committed to attracting and embedding high-grade fintechs and embedded offerings at scale to our clients at zero cost and zero lift. We’re setting a precedent for the industry to make every effort to encourage better security, privacy, openness, and collaboration. We’re facilitating partnerships and integrations with innovative third parties that can help banks and credit unions compete.

At Jack Henry, we’re making sure you’re ready for the future.

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